Making Money Selling Paparazzi Accessories
When you order product from Paparazzi, you pay a wholesale price of only $2.75 each. Once you've purchased your items at wholesale, those items are now yours to sell ANY WAY YOU WANT. You can sell them at home parties, basket parties, Facebook parties, fairs or events, or anywhere else you want to sell it. When you sell your items at retail price, you will sell them for $5.00 each. That means you are profiting $2.25 each piece you sell, which equals out to be 45% commission! Paparazzi has one of the best compensation plans out there for a Direct Sales company! And what’s even better is that profit is all yours!! You bought the items so you keep the profit! There’s no need to report it to Paparazzi. You've already paid sales tax on the pieces when you bought them so now all you have to keep track of is your total profits.
One of the best things about Paparazzi is that the business is largely Cash & Carry (meaning you buy product and sell in person…no catalogs or ordering). You just buy product, sell product, and keep the money! You don’t have to report your sales to Paparazzi. Simply notate your sales in a notebook to report your taxes at the end of the year.
When you start building a team with your business, you will begin to make a residual monthly income from everything your Down Line purchases from Paparazzi Accessories. With the Paparazzi Compensation Plan, you can earn up to 10% of what your personally sponsored Consultants purchase! ​Building a team is more than financially rewarding. Building a team earns you lasting friendships with like-minded individuals who share your passion for Paparazzi!
While you are not allowed to sell on eBay, Amazon or similar sites, you have lots of other options available to you:
- Facebook LIVE Sales! This growing trend is a HUGE money maker! Show your jewelry live on video and sell it directly to your viewers. This is currently the most profitable way to sell.
- Facebook VIP Groups. Start a community of loyal shoppers in your own FB group and sell online. They comment SOLD, your invoice and ship directly to your customers.
- Home parties. Contact friends, families and neighbors and have them host a party. This is can be a very profitable way to sell.
- Facebook parties. Invite friends, families and neighbors to your Facebook event or have someone host a Facebook party for you. They don’t even need to leave home for this type of party!
- Work trade shows and events. Sell at Local, County and State Fairs, flea markets, festivals and Farmer’s Markets
- Sell within a salon, retail store or boutique. You can set up a display in a salon or sell your jewelry in a boutique or retail space.
- Online on your Paparazzi web site. When you become a Paparazzi Consultant, you get a FREE website to sell online!
- Through your own Paparazzi Premiere Mobile App. When you become a Paparazzi Consultant, you get a FREE app to sell online!
BE CREATIVE – you can sell everywhere you want. Sell at a local restaurant, set up on a street corner, have a yard sale, sell from the back or your car! You will find that if you wear your Paparazzi Jewelry, you’ll be selling to people in supermarket lines, at the bank and at work too!
You are permitted to ADVERTISE on Facebook/Craigslist to develop a warm market for potential team members and home parties but you are not permitted to SELL individual pieces on those sites. However, you can sell from your own personal Facebook page.
Paparazzi is a young company to where not every one of your neighbors has joined. However, Paparazzi Accessories is growing like crazy, so do not delay! You're going to look back in a few months and wish you had taken the plunge and joined! Be the top consultant in your area and have the whole city knocking on YOUR door.
Yes! Each Consultant is given access to their own FREE Paparazzi online store AND their own Premiere App! It allows your customers to order online anytime. When a customer places an order through your website, you don’t have to do anything else because Paparazzi processes and ships the order directly to your customer for you! Because you earn a commission (45%) on each item you sell online also, Paparazzi will calculate that amount and pay you either by check or direct deposit every month. Be sure that when you give out your website, you include your Consultant ID number otherwise you won’t receive credit for your customer’s orders. For example, my website is Yours will be the same but with your own consultant ID number instead. This directs your customers to YOUR replicated website rather than to the main site.
When selling through your Premiere app, you will ship the items YOU have in stock right to your customers. With the app, your customers shop from your personal inventory and you keep all the profits from your sales!
Please click here to see the average earnings for Paparazzi Consultants.