Building A Mobile Fashion Boutique — bling boutique
Posted by Colleen Menning on

I can't believe it has been over a year since my last post. Where has the time gone?! I have done many events with my mobile boutique and it's been a learning curve, to say the least. ~I've learned how to set up the truck a bit more efficiently, although it still takes me a long time (just in a different way than my indoor setups).~I've learned that because my displays & shelving are bolted down so everything stays in place, it's hard to get creative with my setup. I like to try different display options and sometimes that can be...
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- Tags: $5 bling, bling boutique, box truck, dreams, Mobile Fashion Boutique, Paparazzi Accessories, paparazzi truck
Posted by Colleen Menning on

In between events, we are taking the opportunity to make little improvements here & there. Today we painted the wheels of the truck PINK using Plasti Dip paint. It’s a peelable auto paint that is super cool! You can paint just about any part of your car with it and it’s not permanent. You can even paint the interior too! Call me crazy but I want to paint my dashboard pink! Lol! To find out more about this awesome product, go to It's cool stuff! We decided to paint the wheels because they were just ugly, white, chipped and rusty...
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- Tags: $5 bling, bling boutique, box truck, dreams, Mobile Fashion Boutique, Paparazzi Accessories, paparazzi truck
Posted by Colleen Menning on

This weekend was my first event with my Paparazzi truck! I'm not gonna was kinda intimidating driving the truck and setting it all up by myself because my Husband has always been there to help, but I did it! This event has thrown just about everything imaginable at me. We battled all kinds of crazy weather over the weekend but still did really well! It started out ok and then for the better part of the Saturday we had a torrential downpour. You can see in the pictures that we had flooding. They had to bring in sandbags because...
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- Tags: $5 bling, bling boutique, box truck, dreams, Mobile Fashion Boutique, Paparazzi Accessories, paparazzi truck
Posted by Colleen Menning on

Well we finally have our Grand Opening under our belt now and Bedazzle Me Pretty Mobile Fashion Boutique is officially open for business! Our first time out went well for sales, but was really lacking in shoppers. Unfortunately, we were pretty rushed with the date of our opening because of the time it took to get everything finished. We had a paid event scheduled for the next weekend so we had only ONE date available! That left us less than 2 weeks to advertise and plan our celebration but that’s ok. For those that did stop and shop, it was...
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- Tags: $5 bling, bling boutique, box truck, dreams, Mobile Fashion Boutique, Paparazzi Accessories, paparazzi truck
Posted by Colleen Menning on

Bedazzle Me Pretty Mobile Fashion Boutique Announces the Grand Opening Ceremony of Their Mobile Fashion Boutique Thе Press аnd Public аrе invitеd to thе grand ореning оf Bеdаzzlе Mе Prеttу Mоbilе Fashion Bоutiԛuе on Sundау, May 7th 2017 from 1 PM - 5 PM аt 3990 Riсkеу St. SE, Salem fоr an intrоduсtiоn to thе mоѕt fabulous wоmеn'ѕ fashion ассеѕѕоriеѕ store оn whееlѕ, bringing fun, trendy jеwеlrу, ассеѕѕоriеѕ аnd giftѕ right to уоur door with a gоаl tо satisfy the fаѕhiоn appetite of сlаѕѕу trеndу wоmеn. Thе соnсерt of the store is unique bесаuѕе they оffеr a HUGE ѕеlесtiоn of thе...
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- Tags: $5 bling, bling boutique, box truck, dreams, Mobile Fashion Boutique, Paparazzi Accessories, paparazzi truck